AWS Cloud


Why Amazon AWS?


AWS is one of the leading cloud providers in the world and the power of this provider lies in the sheer number of services and profiles it offers.

Benefits of Amazon AWS

Quick deployment

Quick deployment

Quick deployment of applications in either test or production environments

Regional hosting & support services

Compliance and change management features

Monitoring and event management

Extended security features

Extended security features

Security features like anti-malware protection, intrusion detection, and intrusion prevention systems

Automated incedent management

Patch and continuity management

Access management features

Access management features

Access management features like Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and EC2 security groups.

24/7 service desk and enterprise support services

How can we support your AWS migration?


Setting up your account can be tricky, but we offer guidance and support when configuring your account to get the best out of AWS.

This is how we work:




Eerst analyseren we wat uw doelstellingen zijn. Vervolgens brengen we de bedrijfsprocessen en applicaties die in uw organisatie bestaan ​​in kaart en bekijken welke onderdelen naar de cloud moeten verhuizen.





Now we can build a migration plan based on the best solution for your situation. We map the workload, the cost, and the timeline of your project.

Icoon voor Geverifieerd door de community





Finally, we migrate your data and services, and configure your AWS cloud infrastructure based on the requirements on your roadmap.

Icoon voor Geverifieerd door de community

Interested in starting with an AWS cloud solution?